What we’re about
Andrew was the first person to follow Jesus
We’re introduced to Andrew at the start of Jesus’ ministry. He was an ordinary person, just living his life. But Jesus called to him, and they spent the day together. And Andrew’s life was never the same.
From that day on, he knew Jesus was the one they had all been waiting for.
Andrew experienced the life-changing joy of knowing Jesus for himself, and he wanted everyone else to have their own encounter with Jesus.
Just like Andrew, we met Jesus in the midst of our ordinary life. And after encountering him for ourselves, our outlook on life has changed.
We are unwaveringly confident that Jesus brings hope in the midst of despair, light in the midst of darkness, life in the midst of death, and joy in the face of grief.
Because Jesus is the one our hearts have been waiting for. He came so that we might have life, and have it abundantly in him. We hope everyone can have their own encounter with Jesus.
We are a gospel-centered, Spirit-empowered, distinctly Anglican church.
We are rooted in the historically orthodox beliefs contained in the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed, derived from the Scriptures, which are inspired by God.
St. Andrew’s is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. It is the largest Protestant communion of churches in the world, with almost 80 million members in 165 countries. Our province is the Anglican Church in North America, and our diocese is the Anglican Network in Canada.
Our leadership teams affirm the 39 Articles and Jerusalem Declaration as statements of faith.
If you have any questions about our beliefs, we welcome the conversation!