Sin & Salvation
July 28, 2024 | Ephesians 2.1-5 | Rob Collis
Throughout his writing, the Apostle Paul soars to great heights of joy and praise. And he ushers us to come with him, into these realities of praise and thanksgiving, that are more than we could ever have begun to imagine. But to lead us there, he needs to show us where we’ve come from, and see just how deep was the pit from which Jesus came to set us free. Because the good news about Jesus only really makes sense in light of the devastatingly bad news of our true spiritual condition without him.
This week, Rob preaches from Ephesians 2.1-5, where we come face to face with the truth of our own spiritual condition: we were dead in our trespasses and sins, and captive to forces that were beyond our control. But God was not content for us to stay that way, and in the abundance of his mercy, has made us alive together with Jesus Christ.