Walking in Unity

October 6, 2024 | Ephesians 4.1-3 | Rob Collis

So far in Ephesians, Paul has been expanding our horizons and stretching our imaginations. And if we stop and just take a step back – what we realize is that the universe has changed because of Jesus Christ. All of history has been rewritten ever since Jesus died on the cross, and came back to life. Reality has changed. And as we come to chapter 4, Paul shifts his writing from telling us about how reality has changed, to telling us how to live in this new reality.

This week Rob Collis preaches from Ephesians 4.1-3, and helps us see how Paul is summoning us to come and live in the new reality of Jesus Christ by calling us to walk together in unity. In these verses, Paul begins talking about the how of Christian unity, and he lays out five pillars for our unity – five moral characteristics which lay the foundation for unity in Christ.


The Reason for Unity


More Than We Can Imagine