Our Ministries

Sunday Service

We meet weekly to worship God and encourage one another.

Join us in person at 1pm on Sundays.


Senior’s Ministry

St. Andrew's has a vibrant senior's ministry. We offer biweekly services at the Wexford senior's residence here in Tsawwassen. We cherish our time with our seniors and love bringing the joy of Jesus with us to these communities.


Prayer is central to the Christian’s life and devotion with God. It is a privilege to be able to commune with our Heavenly Father. We are committed to growing in our relationship with God and we make prayer a key part of our activities.

St. Andrew's Church holds a special prayer time at the end of our Sunday service where we invite people to be prayed for according to their specific needs. A prayer team is available for those desiring individual ministry.

We also occasionally hold special events devoted to encouraging us in our personal prayer life and helping us grow spiritually.

Would you like prayer?
If you would like prayer, please contact us. It would be a privilege to talk with you and then together talk to God about your situation.
See the Anglican Network in Canada’s monthly mediation and prayer resources


Artizo Training

St. Andrew's is very proud to support this program by hosting an Artizo intern once a month through the academic terms. This fabulous program is intended for the identification, training and equipping of leaders in gospel ministry.